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Arrive to Your Appointment on Time

Sign up for elderly transportation services in Utica/Rome, NY

Do you need help getting to a doctor’s appointment? Don’t worry, R&R Custom Solutions offers elderly transportation services in Utica/Rome, NY and surrounding areas. You’ll appreciate that our vehicles include ramps and lifts to accommodate people with a wide range of mobility impairments. We take great pride in providing easy and comfortable transportation assistance.

With advance notice we can provide transportation on evenings and weekends for wheelchair bound people to go to family gatherings, church functions, funerals etc. Have a loved one you haven't been able to see due to long distance, even out of state travel that's just become too much to handle? We can help, just give us a call!

Call us now to arrange for elderly transportation services.

R&R Custom Solutions follows a thorough process to ensure streamlined elderly medical transpiration in Utica/Rome, NY and beyond.

We will:

  • Receive your reservation
  • Pick you up from your home
  • Transport you to your appointment
  • Assist with getting in and out of the vehicle
  • Provide the same level of care on the way back home

We’re the safe and reliable choice for elderly medical transportation. Contact us today to arrange for your transport service.

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